Thursday, February 11, 2010

Range Test for XBee

Range test can be done via XCTU software by simply clicking the range test tab..The range test tab is designed to verify the range of the radio link by sending a user specified data packet and verifying the response packet is the same, within the time specified. For performing a standard range test, there are several steps that must be followed..

1: Configure the Base with API enabled and a unique 16 bit or 64 bit source address. 2: Configure the remote radio with a unique source address and set the Destination address to equal the Base radio’s source address.
3: Enable the API option of the X-CTU on the PC Settings tab and connect the base radio to the PC.
4: Connect the red loopback adapter to the remote radio and place them a distance apart.
5: Enter either the 16 bit or 64 bit destination address of the remote radio into the Destination Address box on the Range Test tab.
6: Create a data packet of your choosing by typing in the data in the Transmit box
7: To start a Range test, click on Start.

You will notice the TX failures, Purge, CCA, and ACK messages will increment accordingly while the range test is performed. To stop a range test, click on the Stop button. The problem now is, i cannot perform the range test due to some error. I followed all the instructions but there is an error which is "timeout waiting for data".I'm still thinking on how to overcome this error..

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