This blog is for my final year project at UniKl-BMI and being supervised by Sir Zulkhairi Mohd Yusof
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Editting Servo Motor Speed Control
Previously, the motor speed was 200 and changed to 255. The user can select the robot speed on the Visual Basic console.. In this case string "9" and "7" was reserved as a motor speed control.. Basically, when we increase the speed of motor of course it will required a lot of power.. So, it's recommended to use the "Normal Mode" if no speeding required..
Muhammad Firdaus Soed was born on January 6, in the small town of Kajang, Selangor..A person who has simple dreams: to have a satisfied and enjoying job. I love discussing disasters..Just don't be afraid to approach me 'coz i'm the most friendly among the friendliest..Haha..Please contact me at / 0123308246 if you have any enquiries.
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